Excel Shortcut For Mac

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Microsoft Excel Shortcuts for Mac and Windows So, Here are Microsoft Excel shortcuts key, but before moving to our main title, let’s know about Microsoft Excel. Moreover, Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, iOS and Android devices. However, The main features of Excel are Calculation, Pivot table, Graphic tool and etc. Oct 29 2013 Top 5 Excel Shortcuts for the Mac. Excel Shortcuts; center align, delete, Excel for Mac, filter, font size, Mac Excel shortcuts, sum formula; 1 Comment; Many of you are transitioning to Excel for the Mac, and have asked us what our favorite Excel Mac shortcuts are.

This short tutorial explains different ways to add, use and remove strikethrough format in Excel desktop, Excel Online and Excel for Mac.

Excel is great for manipulating numbers, but it does not always make clear how to format text values the way you want. Strikethrough is a vivid example.

It is super easy to cross out text in Microsoft Word - you simply click the strikethrough button on the ribbon. Naturally, you'd expect to see the same button on the Excel ribbon. But it's nowhere to be found. So, how do I strikethrough text in Excel? By using any of the six methods described in this tutorial :)

  • How to do strikethrough in Excel

How to strikethrough in Excel

To ensure that everyone is on the same page, let's define the term first. What does it mean to strikethrough in Excel? Simply, to put a line through a value in a cell. There are a handful of different ways to do this, and we are going to begin with the fastest one.

Excel strikethrough shortcut

Want to have the job done as quickly as possible? Press a hotkey or key combination.

Excel Shortcut For Mac

Ansys for mac student. Here's the keyboard shortcut to strikethrough in Excel: Ctrl + 5

The shortcut can be used on an entire cell, certain part of the cell contents, or a range of cells.

To apply the strikethrough format to a cell, select that cell, and press the shortcut:

To draw a line through all values in a range, select the range:

To strikethrough non-adjacent cells, select multiple cells while holding the Ctrl key, and then press the strikethrough shortcut:

To cross out part of the cell value, double-click the cell to enter the Edit mode, and select the text you want to strikethrough:

Apply strikethrough via cell format options

Another quick way to draw a line through a cell value in Excel is by using the Format Cells dialog. Here's how:

  1. Select one or more cells on which you want to apply the strikethrough format.
  2. Press Ctrl + 1 or right-click the selected cell(s) and choose Format Cells… from the context menu.
  3. In the Format Cells dialog box, go to the Font tab, and tick off the Strikethrough option under Effects.
  4. Click OK to save the change and close the dialog.

Add a strikethrough button to Quick Access Toolbar

If you think that the above method requires too many steps, add the strikethrough button to the Quick Access Toolbar to always have it at your fingertips.

  1. Click the small arrow in the upper left corner of the Excel window, and then click More Commands…
  2. Under Choose commands from, select Commands Not in the Ribbon, then select Strikethrough in the list of commands, and click the Add button. This will add Strikethrough to the list of commands on the right pane, and you click OK:

Look at the upper left corner of your worksheet again, and you will find the new button there:

Put a strikethrough button onto Excel ribbon

If your Quick Access Toolbar is reserved only for the most frequently used commands, which strikethrough is not, place it onto the ribbon instead. As with QAT, it's also one-time setup, performed in this way:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon… from the pop-up menu:
  2. Since new buttons can only be added to custom groups, let's create one. For this, select the target tab (Home in our case) and click the New Group button. Then, click Rename… to name the newly created group to your liking, say My Formats:
  3. With the new group selected, perform the already familiar steps: under Choose commands from, select Commands Not in the Ribbon, find Strikethrough in the list of commands, select it, and click Add:
  4. Click OK to save the changes, and find the Strikethrough button on your Excel ribbon:

You can now cross out text in Excel with a single button click! And it will also remind you the keyboard shortcut in case you forget it :)

Tip. By using Up and Down arrows in the Excel Options dialog box, you can move your custom group with the Strikethrough button to any position on the ribbon:

How to strikethrough automatically with conditional formatting

In case you are planning to use a strikethrough to cross out the completed tasks or activities in a checklist or to-do list, you may want Excel to do it for you automatically as you enter some text in a related cell, for example 'done':

The task can be easily accomplished with Excel Conditional Formatting:

  1. Select all the cells you want to cross out on condition (A2:A6 in this example).
  2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Conditional Formatting > New Rule…
  3. In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, select Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
  4. In the Format values where this formula is true box, enter the formula that expresses the condition for your topmost cell:


  5. Click the Format…
  6. In the Format Cells dialog box, switch to the Font tab and select the Strikethrough Optionally, you can make some other formatting changes, e.g. set a light grey font color for crossed out entries:
  7. Click OK to close the Format Cells dialog box, then click OK one more time to close the New Formatting Rule window, and you are all set!

Instead of defining a task status with text, you can insert checkboxes, link them to some cells (which you can hide later) and base your conditional formatting rule on the value in the linked cells (TRUE is a checkbox is checked, FALSE if not checked).

As the result, Excel will check off the completed tasks automatically depending on whether the checkbox is selected or not.

If you'd like to create something similar in your worksheets, the detailed steps can be found here: How to create a checklist with conditional formatting.

Add strikethrough with a macro

If you are not allergic to using VBA in your Excel worksheets, you can apply strikethrough on all selected cells with this line of code:

The step-by-step instructions on how to insert VBA code in Excel can be found here.

How to use strikethrough in Excel Online

In Excel Online, the strikethrough option is exactly where you'd expect to find it - next to the other formatting buttons on the Home tab, in the Font group:

However, there's a fly in the ointment - it's not possible to select non-adjacent cells or ranges in Excel Online. So, if you need to cross out multiple entries in different parts of your sheet, you will have to select each cell or a range of contiguous cells individually, and then click the strikethrough button.

The strikethrough shortcut (Ctrl + 5) works perfectly in Excel Online too and is often the fastest way to toggle the strikethrough formatting on and off.

How to strikethrough in Excel for Mac

A quick way to strikethrough text in Excel for Mac is by using this keyboard shortcut: ⌘ + SHIFT + X

It can also be done from the Format Cells dialog in the same way as in Excel for Windows:

  1. Select the cell(s) or part of a cell value you wish to cross out.
  2. Right-click the selection and chose Format Cells from the popup menu.
  3. In the Format Cells dialog box, switch to the Font tab and select the Strikethrough checkbox:

How to remove strikethrough in Excel

The correct way to remove strikethrough from a cell depends on how you've added it.

Remove strikethrough added manually

If you applied strikethrough via a shortcut or cell format, then press Ctrl + 5 again, and the formatting will be gone.

A longer way would be opening the Format Cells dialog (Ctrl + 1) and unchecking the Strikethrough box there:

Excel Shortcut For Macbook Air

Remove strikethrough added with conditional formatting

If strikethrough is added by a conditional formatting rule, then you need to remove that rule to get rid of strikethrough.

Excel Shortcut Keys For Macbook Pro

To have it done, select all the cells from which you want to remove strikethrough, go to the Home tab > ­ Styles group, and click Conditional Formatting > Clear Rules > Clear Rules from Selected Cells:

If some other conditional formatting rule(s) is applied to the same cells and you'd like to keep that rule, then click conditional Formatting > Manage Rules… and delete only the strikethrough rule.

For more information, please see How to delete conditional formatting rules in Excel.

That's how you can add and remove the strikethrough formatting in Excel. I thank you for reading and hope to see you on our blog next week!

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Below is a listing of most of the major shortcut keys and key combinations usable in Microsoft Excel. See the computer shortcuts page if you are looking for shortcut keys used in other programs.


To search for a specific item, modifier, or function, press Ctrl+F on your keyboard, type in keywords, and then click the up and down arrows to cycle through the options.

TabMove to the next cell, to the right of the currently selected cell.
Ctrl+ASelect all contents of a worksheet.
Ctrl+BBold all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+CCopy all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+DFill down. Fills the cell beneath with the contents of the selected cell. To fill more than one cell, select the source cell and press Ctrl+Shift+Down to select multiple cells. Then press Ctrl+D to fill them with the contents of the original cell.
Ctrl+FSearch current sheet.
Ctrl+GGo to a certain area.
Ctrl+HFind and replace.
Ctrl+IPuts italics on all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+KInserts a hyperlink.
Ctrl+LOpens the Create Table dialog box.
Ctrl+NCreates a new workbook.
Ctrl+OOpens a workbook.
Ctrl+PPrint the current sheet.
Ctrl+RFill right. Fills the cell to the right with the contents of the selected cell. To fill more than one cell, select the source cell and press Ctrl+Shift+Right to select multiple cells. Then press Ctrl+R to fill them with the contents of the original cell.
Ctrl+SSaves the open worksheet.
Ctrl+TOpen the Create Table dialog box.
Ctrl+UUnderlines all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+VPastes everything copied onto the clipboard.
Ctrl+WCloses the current workbook.
Ctrl+XCuts all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+YRepeats the last entry (redo).
Ctrl+ZUndo the last action.
Ctrl+1Changes the format of the selected cells.
Ctrl+2Bolds all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+3Puts italics all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+4Underlines all cells in highlighted section.
Ctrl+5Puts a strikethrough all cells in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+6Shows or hides objects.
Ctrl+7Shows or hides the toolbar.
Ctrl+8Toggles the outline symbols.
Ctrl+9Hides rows.
Ctrl+0Hides columns.
Ctrl+Shift+:Enters the current time.
Ctrl+;Enters the current date.
Ctrl+`Changes between displaying cell values or formulas in the worksheet.
Ctrl+'Copies a formula from the cell above.
Ctrl+Shift+'Copies value from cell above.
Ctrl+-Deletes the selected column or row.
Ctrl+Shift+=Inserts a new column or row.
Ctrl+Shift+~Switches between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells.
[email protected]Applies time formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+!Applies comma formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+$Applies currency formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+#Applies date formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+%Applies percentage formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+^Applies exponential formatting.
Ctrl+Shift+*Selects the current region around the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+&Places border around selected cells.
Ctrl+Shift+_Removes a border.
Ctrl+Shift+(Unhide rows.
Ctrl+Shift+)Unhide columns.
Ctrl+/Selects the array containing the active cell.
Ctrl+Selects the cells that have a static value or don’t match the formula in the active cell.
Ctrl+[Selects all cells referenced by formulas in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+]Selects cells that contain formulas that reference the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+{Selects all cells directly or indirectly referenced by formulas in the highlighted section.
Ctrl+Shift+}Selects cells which contain formulas that directly or indirectly reference the active cell.
Ctrl+Shift+ (pipe) Selects the cells within a column that don’t match the formula or static value in the active cell.
Ctrl+EnterFills the selected cells with the current entry.
Ctrl+SpacebarSelects the entire column.
Ctrl+Shift+SpacebarSelects the entire worksheet.
Ctrl+HomeMove to cell A1.
Ctrl+EndMove to last cell with text on the worksheet.
Ctrl+TabMove between Two or more open Excel files.
Ctrl+Shift+TabActivates the previous workbook.
Ctrl+Shift+AInserts argument names into a formula.
Ctrl+Shift+FOpens the drop-down menu for fonts.
Ctrl+Shift+OSelects all of the cells that contain comments.
Ctrl+Shift+POpens the drop-down menu for point size.
Shift+InsertPastes what is stored on the clipboard.
Shift+Page UpIn a single column, highlights all cells above that are selected.
Shift+Page DownIn a single column, highlights all cells above that are selected.
Shift+HomeHighlights all text to the left of the cursor.
Shift+EndHighlights all text to the right of the cursor.
Shift+Up ArrowExtends the highlighted area up one cell.
Shift+Down ArrowExtends the highlighted area down one cell.
Shift+Left ArrowExtends the highlighted area left one character.
Shift +Right ArrowExtends the highlighted area right one character.
Alt+TabCycles through applications.
Alt+SpacebarOpens the system menu.
Alt+EnterWhile typing text in a cell, pressing Alt+Enter moves to the next line, allowing for multiple lines of text in one cell.
Alt+=Creates a formula to sum all of the above cells.
Alt+'Allows formatting on a dialog box.
F1Opens the help menu.
F2Edits the selected cell.
F3After a name is created, F3 will paste names.
F4Repeats last action. For example, if you changed the color of text in another cell, pressing F4 will change the text in cell to the same color.
F5Goes to a specific cell. For example, C6.
F6Move to the next pane.
F7Spell check selected text or document.
F8Enters Extend Mode.
F9Recalculates every workbook.
F10Activates the menu bar.
F11Creates a chart from selected data.
F12Save As option.
Shift+F1Opens the 'What's This?' window.
Shift+F2Allows the user to edit a cell comment.
Shift+F3Opens the Excel formula window.
Shift+F5Brings up a search box.
Shift+F6Move to previous pane.
Shift+F8Add to selection.
Shift+F9Performs calculate function on active sheet.
Ctrl+F3Open Excel Name Manager.
Ctrl+F4Closes current window.
Ctrl+F5Restores window size.
Ctrl+F6Next workbook.
Ctrl+Shift+F6Previous workbook.
Ctrl+F7Moves the window.
Ctrl+F8Resizes the window.
Ctrl+F9Minimize current window.
Ctrl+F10Maximize currently selected window.
Ctrl+F11Inserts a macro sheet.
Ctrl+F12Opens a file.
Ctrl+Shift+F3Creates names by using those of either row or column labels.
Ctrl+Shift+F6Moves to the previous worksheet window.
Ctrl+Shift+F12Prints the current worksheet.
Alt+F1Inserts a chart.
Alt+F2Save As option.
Alt+F4Exits Excel.
Alt+F8Opens the macro dialog box.
Alt+F11Opens the Visual Basic editor.
Alt+Shift+F1Creates a new worksheet.
Alt+Shift+F2Saves the current worksheet.

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